Coldcreek Chicken Drumsticks

Innisfil, Ontario

Drumsticks are definitely one of the easiest (and most delicious!) ways to get dinner on the table when you’re in a hurry. Toss them in a bit of oil (we like to use avocado if cooking at a high temp) then put on a generous dose of your favorite seasonings- and throw them in the oven! The skin will crisp up perfectly, and these Ontario raised chicken legs come out juicy and tender every time!

Approx. Weight: 2.5 lbs


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Our Heritage Breed Barred-Plymouth Rock chickens are free-range and fed our special blend of roasted grains. (We roast our own right on the farm!) You’ll find that this breed (and our grains) produces some amazingly juicy, tender meat! You certainly won’t find the same quality at the grocery store.